Here’s the Latest Coverage on Ambassador Gordon Sondland’s Testimony During Impeachment Inquiry


Ambassador Gordon Sondland gave his updated testimony for the impeachment inquiry today and said that he ‘followed the president’s orders’ in Ukraine. Ambassador Sondland’s testimony called into question the President’s defense of his ‘perfect’ call with the Ukrainian president.

Here is what other news outlets are saying:

Trump: ‘If This Were a Prizefight, They’d Stop It!’

Ambassador Sondland says he ‘followed the president’s orders’ in Ukraine

Judge Napolitano: Sondland ‘Most Compelling’ Yet

Trump directed Ukraine quid pro quo, U.S. Ambassador Gordon Sondland testifies at impeachment hearing

EU ambassador testifies there was a quid pro quo in impeachment investigation

Here’s a snapshot of which news outlets are covering Ambassador Gordon Sondland and his testimony the most over the previous 90 days.