Irony is Wasted on the Stupid, President Trump Helping Joe Biden

Jonathan Ernst/Reuters

President Trump is Helping Joe Biden Beat Him and It’s Hilarious

President Trump is set to resume his regular Coronavirus Task Force briefing? rallies propaganda briefings, and it seems he won’t be joined by Dr. Anthony Fauci, Dr. Deborah Birx, or any other legitimate medical expert or epidemiologist.

If all it turns out to be is the president speaking to the press for any amount of time on how the coronavirus is someone else’s fault, how his administration has it under control, how it’s really former President Barack Obama’s fault, and that you can kill the virus by drinking bleach – well…

Former Vice President Joe Biden can’t wait.

Irony is Wasted on the Stupid

#BoycottMLB is trending on Twitter because some players and managers knelt during the national anthem as a way to show support for those protesting police brutality, racial injustice, and systemic racism (among many other things).

What’s so strange is the very same people who coined the term “snowflake” are the same ones triggered by athletes, and people in general, peacefully protesting racial injustice. Don’t call them racist though, because that will trigger them even more.

So far these types of people have boycotted MLB, NBA, NFL, MLS, NHL, and NASCAR.

If they’re not careful they may find themselves with nothing left to watch but YouTube videos of people annoying cats and falling off trampolines.

Trump’s Villainy Knows No Bounds

The President is planning on sending more federal troops – ICE – into more cities and states. But, the special caveat to all that is he’s only sending federal troops into places run by Democrats. Yes, that’s exactly how it sounds when you think about it.

President Trump is specifically targeting areas run by elected officials who happen to be democrats for federal occupation and subversion of free speech and the right to peacefully protest. Granted, actions taken by some during these protests has been anything but peaceful and local law enforcement should absolutely bring the hammer down on them.

But, Trump has to know (and probably realizes) doing this only further inflames the situation and creates more tension between protesters and non-protesters alike and law enforcement agents of any kind.

Also, these are rights protected by our constitution which is largely brought up by the same people looking to hurt protesters and people who don’t share the same political ideology as them. Go figure.