Konsume Report 2020: Digital News, Media Ratings and Insights on News Consumption

Konsume has compiled a report on the state of digital journalism in 2020. To provide these insights, we have analyzed nearly 10 million news articles across 1,400+ major news publishers, written by tens of thousands of journalists worldwide

Konsume News Ratings
1,400 newsrooms across the globe


Konsume has compiled a report on the state of digital journalism in 2020, so far. We aim to provide insight into the 24-hour news cycle and showcase the most influential news publishers and the context of American news consumption.

To provide these insights, we have analyzed nearly 10 million news articles across 1,400+ major news publishers, written by tens of thousands of journalists worldwide, and all focused on a 90-day time span.

Also provided in this report are insights into the business of news publishing, how audiences engage with news, and why news publishers cater to an audience.


A View of the 24-Hour News Cycle

Time of Day Heatmap

most news coverage is consumed from Tuesday to Thursday, with Wednesday being the peak.

breaking news: day of the week chart

Top 25 News Publishers
Konsume Ranking of the Most Influential News Publishers

When it comes to the news’s biggest influencers, two things appear to have the most impact on news consumers. The first is the volume/frequency/consistency in which a news outlet is publishing fresh, unique content – simply put, how often are they breaking news stories. The other is how well they can effectively reach and engage with news consumers on the internet via social media.

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