Zuckerburg Loses Over $7 Billion After Advertising Boycott


Several companies have pulled advertising from Facebook in the last month, dropping the value of the companies stocks. It has also pushed Mark Zuckerburg himself down to fourth place on the Bloomberg Billionaire Index. Unilever, one of the largest advertisers in the world cut ties, citing a “failure to police hate speech” and perpetuation of disinformation. They join Verizon, Honda and Hershey in the list of companies who are pulling ads. Coca-Cola has stated that they will cease working with Facebook for a month and then re-evaluate. Today, in response to this, Zuckerberg stated that Facebook will now be prohibiting hate speech in its ads.

Read more on the story here

Read the latest statement by Mark Zuckerberg here

Coca-Cola is suspending advertising on all social platforms

Trump administration asks Facebook to censor calls to topple statues

Videos targeting California representatives removed from Facebook