Vaccine Protestors Appear to be Growing in Number


There is a general consensus that normal will not return until a coronavirus vaccine has been released. The problem is that there seems to be an increasing population of people who don’t trust this upcoming vaccine. Anti-vaccination has become increasingly normalized in America and now with the politicization of the mask debate and the management of the COVID-19 pandemic some are questioning the validity and safety of the upcoming vaccine. Edith Perry, of the Maryland Community Research Advisory Board said, “It’s hard to trust that they’re looking out for our well-being,” he continued. “Me, I’m very skeptical about that shot. I have my popcorn and my soda and I’m just watching it very carefully.”

Read more on the story here

British Scientists say “no normality until vaccine”

India has begun testing a vaccine

Will we be able to tell if the vaccine is working?

Jim Cramer gives advice on how to invest in the vaccine